How A Delicious Breakfast Can Take 10 Minutes


Even I occasionally get sucked into the idea of thinking that a delicious breakfast is cumbersome and time-consuming. Sure, maybe some homecooked breakfasts take a while, but a lot don’t have to. In particular, any egg dish– omelette, fried egg, scrambled eggs, etc– can be quite quick.

This breakfast, or some variation of it, is my general go-to breakfast when I cook it. Last time I did it, I timed myself to see how long it actually took to make. Including cleaning dishes, putting items away, and setting up the table, it took 11 minutes. The key is to multitask. While you’re cooking the collards, cut the fruit. While the eggs are cooking, but everything away. You get the idea. I wouldn’t suggest going crazy with the multitasking the first time you do this recipe, but once you get the hang of it, you can speed this up to record time.

Fried Eggs & Vegetables

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oiil
  • 1 cup shredded collard greens
  • 2 baby portabella mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 cup diced butternut squash
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4-1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Optional Sides:

  • 1/4 avocado, sliced
  • handful of berries or fruit (whatever you have on hand)
  • 1 slice of Ezekiel Bread or similar sprouted bread (see note below)

Jumping on the Wagon: Sprouted Bread

I’ve been a pretty big fan of sprouted bread for years now (pretty much ever since culinary school). In a nutshell, sprouted bread is a lot less processed than “regular” bread. So what actually happens? Grains are soaked in water until they sprout (this takes a few days ). Why does this matter? Well first off, the grain is completely whole- the bran and germ isn’t removed (note: this means that it does contain gluten). Second, often times other types of grains are used to make the bread, not just wheat- a larger variety of legumes and grains means a larger variety of vitamins, minerals, etc. Third, some research shows that sprouting results in a lower glycemic index and many argue that it is easier to digest. While the research isn’t super extensive yet, the fact of the matter is that it’s definitely less processed on many levels, convincing me it’s a superior product.

Heat a small skillet on medium to high heat. Add in coconut oil and collard greens, and cover. The moisture from the greens should essentially steam the collard greens. When the greens are slightly wilted and bright green, remove cover. Season, and continue to saute, lowering slightly to medium heat.

Meanwhile, slice any fruit you are serving and place on plate. Place butternut squash is a covered container and microwave on high for a little over a minute. This should tenderize the squash a bit.

Set aside collard greens for a second (I placed them directly onto the plate I was putting everything on) and add in mushrooms. Season and saute for about a minute. Add back in collard greens and butternut squash, and saute for an additional minute or two, until mushrooms and squash are lightly browned.


Crack in eggs, season lightly, and stir with a spatula until eggs are just cooked and set. Place on plate immediately. Top with sliced avocado.

As far as the bread, I toasted lightly on this same small saute pan because I don’t have a toaster. I just lightly sprayed the pan with coconut oil, and then let the toast sit for about 2 minutes on high heat, until it was brown.

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