Peach Blueberry Salad with Citrus Hempseed Dressing


Adding fruit to a salad is a sure-fire way to please a big crowd.  Perhaps its our affinity for all things sweet, but seriously, people go crazy when fruit makes an unexpected appearance in an otherwise savory salad. Adding fruit is also a great way to make a salad more appealing to those of us who aren’t big salads fans to begin with.

Peach Blueberry Salad

No peaches at the farmers market? Or can’t make it there? Don’t go for a not-so-great peach at the grocery store. Instead, try half a cantaloupe for a twist.
Serves 4-6

2 peaches, sliced thinly
1/4 cup blueberries
8 cups spinach
1 avocado, sliced

1 1/2 pounds broiled salmon (optional, see my guide on buying salmon here)

Citrus Hemp Dressing

Together, the orange, lime, and lemon should amount to about 3/4 of a cup. Oh, and random tip: throw the remaining peel/flesh of the lime and lemon into your garbage disposal and run it for a quick, no-cost, and environmentally friendly way to make your sink smell good.

Makes 10 ounces (a little over a cup) 

1 orange, juiced
1 lime, juiced
1 lemon, juiced
1/4 cup shelled hempseeds
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
zest of the orange, lime, and lemon (optional; this will give the dressing any extra citrus-y kick)

Hemp Seeds? Really…?

Before you write me off as a hippie, give me a sec. Put aside the judgement and take a look at its nutrition. Like the majority of nuts and seeds, hemp seeds are mostly made up of healthy unsaturated fat. In particular, they are a great source of omega 3s, a fatty acid most Americans don’t get enough of. Additionally, coming in at around 10g of protein a serving, hemp has more protein than most of its nut and seed relatives. 

Okay, hopefully I have you convinced to at least try these guys out. Now onto a few FAQ’s about hemp seeds…

What do they taste and look like?
Hemp seeds have a slightly buttery, mild taste and are great for thickening sauces and smoothies. The seeds look almost like uncooked quinoa. See below for a photo.
Where can I buy hemp seeds?
You can find hemp seeds at Whole Foods and most health and co-op groceries. Look in the bulk section so you can’t buy the exact quantity you need and save some money.

Wait… explain to me how this is legal.
Although they come from the same family, edible hemp seeds come from a different species of plant than the hemp that is used for marijuana.

Directions for making this salad are pretty simple. Toss everything together! For the dressing, add all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until the hemp seeds are broken down, about 30-45 seconds.

If you want to make this salad a substantial lunch or dinner by adding salmon, preheat the oven to 425 and heat a large skillet over medium high heat and spray/coat with extra virgin olive oil. Once the pan is very hot, add the salmon with the skin side up. Let fish sit on the pan until it is slightly brown and a bit crispy, about five minutes. Flip, and place salmon in oven (either keep it on the same pan if it’s oven safe, or transfer to a baking sheet) to finish cooking. Although it’s a matter of a personal preference, most people like the salmon to be opaque in the center, which will take about 5-7 minutes. Serve immediately on top of the salad.

citrus hemp salad with peaches and salmon-1.jpg

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