All-Time Peanut Sauce


Peanut Sauce
Seriously, his is perhaps my best sauce–maybe even recipe–I’ve made. It’s particularly appealing to the general crowd! Last time I made it, I made a quart of it (that’s 4 cups worth). That’s how much I love it. Turns out, I was a bit ambitious. 4 cups of peanut sauce is a LOT of peanut sauce. For one person. Yeah. Lesson learned, I’ll be making 2 cups next time. Still, I got through a lot of it 🙂

Makes a bit over one cup

  • a bit over 1/3 cup water (3 ounces worth to be exact)

  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce (1.2 ounces)

  • 1/2 cup peanut butter

  • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons silken tofu (can use water if you don’t have this on hand, it just will be a bit more liquidy, rather than creamy- although this will become creamier when put in the fridge)

Put all ingredients in a blender in the order listed above and blend thoroughly. The consistency should be fairly thin, silky, and smooth. Don’t have a blender? Take out the tofu, add a bit more water and peanut butter, and whisk whisk whisk! It helps if you microwave the peanut butter just a tad.

You can refrigerate this sauce for up to two weeks. Just beware that it tends to thicken when refrigerated. Just add water if it becomes too thick to return it back to original consistency.

Use these with noodles- see HERE for my recipe. But it’d be a shame to just limit this sauce to noodles. It quickly adds flavor to any dish. Use it as a dipping sauce (it’s awesome with these oven-fried spring rolls) or a dressing for a salad.

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